My name is Jacqueline Tabrizi
and I am the founder of Codes of Prosperity™.
My passion is to guide individuals to create for themselves
a life filled with joy, peace, and prosperity.
Helping my clients unravel the Universal codes that exist within each of us impacts not only their lives but also has a ripple effect on their loved ones and friends.
Although the Codes differ from one of us to another, we are all 4 dimensional beings…
We are Spiritual, we are mental, we are emotional, and we are behavioral, traveling in the 9 areas of our personal life.
But like many of my clients, I didn’t always know this or know how to access these Codes and use them to enrich my life.
I was born in the middle east, in Beirut- Lebanon.
At the age of 20, I became a divorced woman with 3 sons — my oldest was 4 years old. I was homeless, broken emotionally and financially. I won’t talk much about how tough my life was, but I want to mention that I chose not to claim child support, and in my country there’s no kind of government assistance. And I want to acknowledge my parents for being our saviors, they loved enough to share with us their tiny home.
Although, our bodies found the warm shelter, emotionally I was destroyed. My mind was filled with negative thoughts and questions. “Why? Why is this happening to me? Why do I deserve this? I have done nothing but been faithful to this marriage? I even accepted his abuse.”
Then, I started to blame, to feel shame, to feel guilt. I felt unworthy of being loved. I judged and doubted myself. I tagged myself as a victim.
At that time, I was the only divorced woman in my family and in my community. I cared a lot about what everyone thought of me. My joy and peace of mind was always tied into their judgement. I unconsciously wanted to influence their opinions. I wanted to prove that I was godly enough. I wanted to prove that I was good enough to be accepted. I searched for their approval and forgot Mine. I was, as I mentioned before, financially broke, so I was living the Lack mentality. The scarcity. Money was a big struggle and there was never enough to cover expenses. Then, 7 years later a new chapter began. It had a royal beginning but unfortunately an unhappy ending. Another downfall…Can you see a pattern here? I wondered, oh my God why? Why again…Eventually the same old song was playing in my mind again and again. It wasn’t until I developed self-awareness, through reading self-development books, that I realized the big moments in our lives are made up of little decisions that we make. We are born choosers. I had nothing to prove to anybody. At that time, I failed in my commitment to use the tools I had learned from many great mentors on how to humbly love myself, how to quiet the chaos in my brain. I was still reacting to what was happening around me, and I didn’t have a coach to hold me accountable. On my 47th birthday, I decided to press the reset button and took the leap to leave my country and come to America to design the life I was born to live. Of course I felt fear, but I did it anyway. There is a great quote that says, “FEAR LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE THAT WHERE YOU ARE NOW IS A SAFE PLACE & GOING FORWARD IS A RISK , BUT THE TRUTH IS YOU ARE ALWAYS AT RISK WHEN YOU ARE STANDING STILL.” Right? By choosing to press on in the face of that fear I took my first step towards prosperity. For the first time ever I was alone. Being Solo gave me the opportunity to have more time between me and me… more time to still my mind and connect with my bigger source, my infinite God, maybe it was the first time I was able to hear the subtle whisper, comforting and guiding my daily actions to meet the best version of me. I created my inner sanctuary & mastered my listening skills. I discovered my First Code.
I will share with you what I was guided to do daily…
I Practiced the Connection until I got to the place where I was one with my infinite source. And when there, in that realm, I counted my blessings and appreciations. Then I asked for directions to help me craft, direction in how I wanted my day to unfold. I started seeing pictures of what I wanted. I merged those pictures with high emotional frequencies, which helped me raise my feelings of happiness & prosperity.
I changed my old song from “Why is this happening to me?” to “Why I want my life to be better,” and in response, “Because I deserve to live a better life.”
This new conscious awareness guided me to go deeper in my studies. I did every assignment my mentors asked me to do. Every program, every training. Every certificate I earned taught me how to Study myself, and that was the first step. That helped me unleash some of the processes to discover Universal Values and how to express my emotions freely.
I will share with you what I was guided to do daily…
I Practiced the Connection until I got to the place where I was one with my infinite source. And when there, in that realm, I counted my blessings and appreciations. Then I asked for directions to help me craft, direction in how I wanted my day to unfold. I started seeing pictures of what I wanted. I merged those pictures with high emotional frequencies, which helped me raise my feelings of happiness & prosperity.
I changed my old song from “Why is this happening to me?” to “Why I want my life to be better,” and in response, “Because I deserve to live a better life.”
This new conscious awareness guided me to go deeper in my studies. I did every assignment my mentors asked me to do. Every program, every training. Every certificate I earned taught me how to Study myself, and that was the first step. That helped me unleash some of the processes to discover Universal Values and how to express my emotions freely.
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